Albumtones (Instagram/Twitter) is a collaboration between myself and Dyan Jong. I provide the album curation, the majority of social interaction and personality, and offer reviews of albums when the mood strikes. Typically, two to three albums are reviewed per week.

For Albumtones, I’ve also worked directly with independent artists to handle submissions and requests.

For me, Albumtones stems from a deep love of music: I typically listen to 60-70 albums per week as part of a historical modern music project emphasizing the history of modern music.

All chips are created by Dyan Jong.

A selection of reviews, written by me, are below.

The personality concept I try to bring to Albumtones is this: we only feature music we like, we like lots of things, and music, no matter the genre, no matter the critical response, no matter how critically friendly or hipster-relevant the band, if it’s good, we want to talk about it, and we want to share it.

So much of music criticism, necessarily, and so much of music fandom, unnecessarily, is focused on what’s not working, what’s out of vogue, who’s passé—but there’s no room for that in Albumtones. The albums we feature aren’t perfect, but we do love ‘em.

Finally, I work hard to emphasize independent labels: highlighting sales, highlighting bands celebrating each other and social justices causes. Albumtones is a celebration: of color, of music, of fandom.

Recent Albumtones posts